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Keto Acai Berry Bowl Recipe | Eric and Karen Berg

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Acai berry soda manufacturers make use of a process that ensures that you will be able to benefit from this acai berry product the same way you would with a fresh just picked from the tree acai berry fruit. It has a simpler process which doesn t strip off the product from all the healthy goodness that the fruit can provide. On the contrary, Acai berries have been around for centuries, its just that its medicinal benefits have been limited to the place where it naturally grows, in South America, it is only now that rest of the world have been benefited with its medicinal capabilities. Growing wildly in the South American jungle, the Acai berry can be found atop palm trees and with the support of the government have been produced in the millions to face the overwhelming demand for their medicinal qualities. Well, for starters, you have to remember that the acai berry was already being consumed by the natives in South America for centuries because of its medicinal properties. The western world is just discovering its benefits because the acai berry fruit easily loses its potency once it is harvested, which made it unsuitable for exporting. One reason why it has remained in the folds of South and central America for so long is that it has one drawback, an acai berry can only provide its benefits while it is freshly picked, after three days, it loses its health value. That s why for the rest of the world, the acai berry is consumed mostly in its powder form. They also help our muscles to grow and aid in rejuvenating our energy. Acai berries are also great sources for fiber, antioxidants, fatty acids and other nutrients. Just by ingesting or introducing acai berries to your body, you can help it to process food better and provide it with the nutrients it need even if you are on a diet and don t eat that much. It will also help in colon cleansing, detoxification, and high cholesterol levels. Acai berry is also known to have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help support your immune system. In addition to all that, acai berry is reportedly to provide consumers with healthier skin, increased energy levels, better digestive function, and stronger immune system just to name a few. 

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