In order to get the best person to do the job for you, strongly consider some of the recommendations as listed below. These suggestions worked its wonders for many, and for sure these will do its part as well to you. It's all about networking with friends and health care providers. Ask around to find the best and able referrals. The focus on the foot as the main gateway to getting well can be traced to a number of studies and researches made in the past. Based on these researches, the anatomy of the person can be traced to the sole of the foot. For example, the heart and the rest of the organs have representations on the foot of the person. The spinal cord pressure point is located along the side length of the arch of the feet and the length on the side of the thumb from the wrist. This observation will allow us to have a more effective recall of all the pressure points in the map. When a full foot or hand massage is given it will be as if the entire body is being massaged and relaxed because all of its nerve ending are present on these two extremities. And if the therapist learns that this is the first time that the person is taking the session, and then the practitioner may explain the nature of the therapy and the benefits. It is here when the practitioner will explain that reflexology is just a complementary therapy and that this will not solve all medical and health woes. If the patient seeks reflexology to relieve pain on a certain body part, she should inform the reflexologist beforehand so the methods of clinical therapy can be applied. The amount of pressure must always be dictated by the patient, if it is too light, you may request heavier presses and vice versa. And when done the right way, this can bring in a relaxing state that can be felt in all parts of the body. Is massage and reflexology similar? Some would say that reflexology bears some similarity with massage. Though there are similarities in applications, it should be reminded that technically the two are different.
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