All of these practitioners of reflexology are trained to end the session in a calming way. They are trained to calmly end the therapy session, and they can do that by the simple and the careful stroking of the hand or the foot of the person. The main object here of the therapist is to allow the person to feel that he is being cared for and he is being valued. In essence, reflexology is simply a therapy to release stress. The pressure points release hormones that induce the body into a relaxed state. Those who do not have reflexology sessions on a regular basis, or have had it for the first time feels dizzy and weak, but it is not an indication of anything negative happening in the body. There is a wide range of feelings and emotions that can be felt if someone undergoes reflexology treatment sessions. The most common is pain and this can be expected. But other than this, there is a host of feelings, experiences and emotions that are often reported by the participants and patients. For example there is a set of patients that will tell of the feeling of lightness or that feeling of warmth every time they are under the therapy sessions. Historical word-of-mouth accounts alleged that Emperor Augustus (back when he was still known as Octavian) once remarked that Roman politician Mark Antony massaged Cleopatra VII's feet "at dinner parties." There is also evidence that some basic, derivative form of physical therapy involving foot massage was a common practice by the Chinese since 2330 BCE. For a regular relaxing reflexology, the therapist would massage the entire hand or foot methodically ensuring that all pressure points have been given proper attention. If the patient seeks reflexology to relieve pain on a certain body part, she should inform the reflexologist beforehand so the methods of clinical therapy can be applied. If there is really that need to try out a reflexology service, it is recommended that women who are just six weeks into pregnancy should have a modified version of reflexology. In the modified form of treatment for pregnant women, the therapist may treat the uterine and the ovarian reflex areas with more care.
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