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Massage Tutorial: Reflexology basics, techniques, & routine

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For arrhythmias or rapid speed changes in heartbeats, most patients complain of dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath, palpitations and chest pain. This is because the body is trying to cope with the increased speed of the heart's pumps. It is similar to sensation one feels after running or after a strenuous activity, only this time, the patient is calmly seated. These suggestions worked its wonders for many, and for sure these will do its part as well to you. It's all about networking with friends and health care providers. Ask around to find the best and able referrals. You may find that some of your friends have already asked for the services of a therapist, and they can lead you to someone who really knows what he is doing. Now the good news is that there are a number of training schools that offer trainings and seminars. In fact there are some schools as well that include the subject of reflexology in their curriculum. For starters, you may want to attend first the basic reflexology training course. And in many training schools the basic course will run from 15 to 30 hours. In turn, these highly advanced ethnic groups from Latin America had practiced this alternative form of medicinal treatment, which dated back as far as 12000 BCE. No further records of reflexology were known to exist in written form between the time when the ancient Egyptian inscription was written and the period when Europeans colonized America during the 1600s. Nonetheless, it is often recognized as a complement to medications and to help promote the well-being of an ill person. Even devoted reflexologists refuse to advise an entire therapy around reflexology because mainstream medicine is still respected as the default medication for all. In essence, reflexology is simply a therapy to release stress. For example there is a set of patients that will tell of the feeling of lightness or that feeling of warmth every time they are under the therapy sessions. Or the more imaginative patients, they would often report that feeling of being open- as if there is energy movement. And that they can sense that the energy is flowing and moving from one of their organ to the next! 

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