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Heart attack mistaken for heartburn; Symptoms not same for all

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Acidic beverages, such as orange juice and sodas as well as alcohol and coffee are known to cause heartburn. You really don t have to give up drinking these things but you have to limit it or control it. You should also drink more water in order to neutralize stomach acid. You also need to remember that some exercise routines can cause heartburn. People have been trying to find ways to ease heartburn pain as this condition can really be painful and it can prevent you from living your life normally. First of all, you need to know that heartburn is in no way related to any heart related diseases. As a matter of fact, heartburn is a digestive condition where stomach acid comes in to contact with your esophagus. Usually, we experience it right after a meal. However, you have to remember that there is such a thing as a chronic heartburn and this may have a negative effect on your life. So, how can you tell if you are already suffering from a chronic heartburn? Well, if you experience heartburn once a month, this is considered to be acute or mild. If you are open minded enough, you may want to try out alternative treatments for heartburn instead of just popping those heartburn pills whenever you experience the symptoms. In fact, you will find that there are lots of ways to regain control of your life from heartburn. All you need to do is open your mind. Heartburn is in fact a digestive condition. This is where the stomach acid comes in contact with the esophagus causing irritation and ultimately causing heartburn. And, you will also taste something bitter or sour when you experience heartburn. This is mainly the stomach acid reaching your throat and mouth. The first is to eat more meals a day but in smaller servings rather than having 3 large meals a day. This will help in preventing the body to produce excessive stomach acid, which is one of the main causes of heartburn. Eating slowly will also help in managing heartburn. Try to put your eating utensils down between bites and chew your food at least 14 times. 

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