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GERD Treatment | Acid Reflux Treatment | Heartburn Treatment - All You Need to Know

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Eating large meals before bedtime can also cause heartburn. Obesity, frequent bending over, lifting, and wearing very tight clothes can produce pressure on the stomach, which in turn causes heartburn. Smoking and certain medications can also trigger heartburn as well as stress as this is known to increase acid production and slows down the emptying of the stomach. You have to keep in mind that over the counter medicines can work for mild cases of heartburn but if you are suffering from a severe case of heartburn, then you may want to try consulting your doctor as this may already be a sign of a more serious illness. You will also find that there are plenty of natural heartburn home remedies. The LES acts as a valve that separates the stomach acid from the esophagus. Lastly, try to adjust your body position when sleeping. If you have nighttime heartburns, try to elevate your head. But, try not to use extra pillows to elevate your head. Instead, place a wedge underneath the mattress or raise the bed with a 6 inch block on the part where your head is. Because of this, the stomach produces more acid in order to digest these types of foods properly, which is primarily what you don t want to happen as it will increase the likelihood of experiencing heartburn. So, lifestyle modification is needed in order for you to prevent heartburn or at least lessen its frequency. It is believed to have been named heartburn because of the burning sensation in the chest when the condition occurs. Generally, heartburn can happen to almost anyone. When you experience heartburn, you will feel a burning sensation that starts in the upper abdomen and works its way up to the breastbone. When it is relaxed or is weakened, stomach acid can get through the sphincter and eventually irritate it and cause heartburn. So, just what causes the sphincter to weaken or relax? There are certain foods that can weaken the sphincter. Foods such as chocolates, coffee, alcohol, peppermint, fried and fatty food, as well as soda and citric fruits like oranges and pineapple. 

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