Which is why there are some patients who have arthritis, experience frequent migraines, and similar cases are on the hunt of alternative treatment. Magnet therapy is one of alternative methods of treatment. To justify the claims, there are several studies conducted on determining if magnet therapy is indeed useful in pain relief. The same way can be said for alleviating back pains using magnetic therapy. Placing magnets on the two sides of the spine would help solve your back pain problem. Similarly, attaching a pair of magnets on your temple or at the back of your head will help keep that headache at bay. The magnet s South and North poles have different applications as well. Thicker magnets with a large diameter produce a stronger, deeper penetrating magnetic field than a smaller and thinner magnet with the same gauss rating. The overall strength (and effectiveness) of a magnet is determined by its gauss rating, its thickness, diameter and spacing. Past and present therapy Various old cultures have been known to have used magnets for pain relief and other symptoms. (Although pain can be controlled with aspirin and other painkillers, magnets do not have the side effects of these drugs.) Some painkilling techniques Foot pain and other aches caused by standing all day can be relieved by having magnetic insoles in your shoes. For arthritis with pains limited to the fingers, a neo magnet can be taped to the affected joint. Currently, there are different magnetic products intended to heal headaches, arthritis, joint and muscles pains and even lessen stress and depression. So, it is no surprise that magnets could also be used as an aid for losing weight. Magnets are used to restore the body s balance. They could increase the blood circulation and therefore the flow of oxygen throughout the body. On the other hand, an overly relaxed muscle needs more energy, thus needing the use of the north-pointing end of the magnet. Drooping shoulders In cases of drooping shoulders (one side is dropped and the other is raised), magnets can do the right corrections. The lowered end of the shoulders needs the strengthening north-pointing pole.
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