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Dr. Max Gomez: Magnet Therapy For Postpartum Depression

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Unfortunately, this popularity goes on unabated despite the lack of scientific evidence that can prove magnets have any real therapeutic benefits. In the medical profession, doctors have been skeptical about the magnets having any therapeutic value. Theoretical claims The claim that magnets can heal have not been scientifically proven since. Brief Review On Magnet Therapy For thousands of years, magnet therapy (also known as magnetic therapy) had been known to be a safe, simple, effective and economical form of alternative therapy. From a scientific point of view, magnets had been proven to help the body to regain its self-healing electromagnetic balance naturally. Low back and knee pain Another trial (double-blind, placebo controlled) of 54 people with knee or back pain compared a complex static magnet array against a sham magnet array. 7 participants used either the real or sham device for 24 hours. After a 7-day rest, they used the opposite therapy for another 24 hours. In the 1800s, magnetic treatment made a comeback. Currently, there are different magnetic products intended to heal headaches, arthritis, joint and muscles pains and even lessen stress and depression. So, it is no surprise that magnets could also be used as an aid for losing weight. Magnets are used to restore the body s balance. If the magnet is used for long, and there is a feeling of being drained or plain discomfort, remove the magnet right away. (You can possibly apply the opposite pole for sometime.) Never use strong magnets on the eyes, the brain or heart. Attach or remove strong magnets slowly. Strong magnets For sufferers of brain tumors, it is beneficial to sleep with the south-pointing pole of a strong magnet close to the top of the head, especially when they are elderly or with deteriorating brain functions. It would help in releasing toxins and remove excess calcium in the joints. Magnet healing could also increase the production of enzymes which are important in reducing inflammation. There are studies who are trying to prove the benefits of magnets of arthritis. The studies are not that conclusive since the results showed improvement, the effects or the statistics are too minimal be considered significant like in the study published in the The New York Times in 2009 by Anahad O Conner. 

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