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What is Magnetotherapy? - Principal Podiatrist Michael Lai, East Coast Podiatry

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The therapy is ideally performed in the mornings. It is not recommended that you undergo magnetic therapy just after you ate a meal. It is possible that you feel some nausea if you do so. But some would suggest that you eat or drink hot foods and hot liquids before your treatment. The hot food and liquid will keep the body warm during the magnetic treatment. Using Magnet Therapy Magnet therapy had been in use for thousands of years from the first pockets of human civilization before in Egypt, China, Egypt and Greece. In those days, magnet types and sizes have not been correctly assessed. However, only a privileged few were the ones allowed to use them. . A Primer On Magnet Therapy These days, magnet therapy or using magnets to heal pain is becoming popular with the public at large. Unfortunately, this popularity goes on unabated despite the lack of scientific evidence that can prove magnets have any real therapeutic benefits. In the medical profession, doctors have been skeptical about the magnets having any therapeutic value. There are several magnetic products that patients could easily wear to fit the injured areas. There are bracelets which could work on joints and muscles in the hand and wrists. There are also necklaces, rings, and earrings which a person could easily slip on. Some of these magnetic jewelries are meant to balance the magnetic charge of the body. From a scientific point of view, magnets had been proven to help the body to regain its self-healing electromagnetic balance naturally. There had been evidence that suggests that magnet therapy can help relieve pain, reduce inflammation, restore natural energy, increase blood circulation, and prevent infection and promote natural metabolic processes to help support the healing process. They could be used in treating muscle and joint pain. There are also people who testified on the effectiveness of the magnets on reducing the occurrence of headaches, improve sleeping habits and reduce the risks of diabetes, high blood pressure and pneumonia. Bracelets are not only one used in magnet therapy. 

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