More oxygen and nutrients are then carried over to the affected area that results in the restoration of the normal ion concentration. This, in turn, relieves the pain and the swelling, and at the same time, promotes faster healing. Safety The World Health Organization itself had deemed that magnet therapy is safe. Finding the Truth in Magnet Therapy In its simplest sense magnet therapy uses magnets to relieve the body of pain and cure for a variety of diseases. It is an alternative form of treatment that is more popular in China, India, Japan and in some countries in Europe. Practitioners claim that the therapy has been around for quite some time now with the early Egyptians as one of the very first who used magnets in practical applications. The most common magnets for therapeutic use are the flat ceramic magnets or at best the neodymium magnets. Neodymiums are stronger magnets than the ceramic types and are probably the best ones for therapeutic use. The Neodymium magnets range in strength from N24 to N55 with the latter one being the strongest one. Some of them were in conflict with each other causing confusion even among the practitioners. Some of these old stories have lingered until today. Today, the use of magnets to treat illnesses has been discouraged pending further testing of the efficacy of magnets. Medical authorities have been reluctant to issue their approval on the use of magnets simply because they have not been formally tested. Stress is not the only thing that magnet therapy can manage or address. There are several anecdotal reports sharing that Tibetan monks use magnets to relieve depression. To support these reports, there are studies conducted at the Menninger Clinic. What makes magnet therapy an ideal cure, according to proponents and those who use it, is that it is natural. Fibromyalgia One needs to sleep on a magnetic mattress pad and use a magnetic pillow. Magnets can also be placed over painful areas of the body during the day. Leg problems Magnetic insoles help increase the circulation and improve the conditions of numbness, burning, aches, and leg cramps. One should also sleep on a magnetic mattress.
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