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Magnetic Therapy-Heal Yourself-Aids,Diabetics,Fever,Joint Pain,Cancer-Dr. Anoop Mishra

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Types If you really decide to use magnet therapy, you have to choose first the many different types of magnets and magnetic devices available today. There are many theories regarding the sizes and types of magnets, how to use them, and where to apply them depending on the conditions and factors of being treated. Use the north-pointing end of the magnet applied above the fractures of broken bones towards the torso. A south-pointing pole may be applied opposite the north pole and below the fracture. Headaches and stomach pains For headaches, use the south-pointing pole on the center of the pain. However, for clearing up the head, attach the south-pointing pole to the forehead and the north-pointing pole to the base of the skull. The magnetic field that is being generated by the magnets goes deep into the body and helps improve blood circulation, alleviate pain and help the body deal with the ailment. With this in mind, it is therefore very important in magnetic therapy to guide your magnets to the right position in order to achieve great results. Also, the magnets interfere the electrochemical reactions in the nerve cells and prevent their ability to transmit pain messages to the brain. (Although pain can be controlled with aspirin and other painkillers, magnets do not have the side effects of these drugs.) Some painkilling techniques Foot pain and other aches caused by standing all day can be relieved by having magnetic insoles in your shoes. There are bracelets which could work on joints and muscles in the hand and wrists. There are also necklaces, rings, and earrings which a person could easily slip on. Some of these magnetic jewelries are meant to balance the magnetic charge of the body. When using different products for magnet therapy, it is important to learn about the specific products and what area, injury and illness it could treat. Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and the Chinese have been known to have used magnets for treatments of various illnesses. In those times, however, the right sizes and weights of magnets that can produce noticeable effects are rare. At the end of the 20th century, smaller and stronger magnetic materials became available. 

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