The studies are not that conclusive since the results showed improvement, the effects or the statistics are too minimal be considered significant like in the study published in the The New York Times in 2009 by Anahad O Conner. Although, there are medical professionals and institutions who are still sceptical of the effects and benefits of magnets on arthritis, the number of people who are interested in trying out the alternative method are increasing. Just place the magnets on the points below the shoulder blade and one to two inches to the side from the spine line. How effective are these methods? There are studies conducted in National Institute of Mental Health along with national Institute of Neurological Disorders and stroke and National Institute for Health on how repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) was able to improve the mood of several patients. An ordinary refrigerator magnet would have about 10 gauss, so you would no be able to use that since it lacks power. Just attach the magnet on the area where the pain is felt. When desired results are not met, then adjust the position of the magnet. Some would question the lack of scientific evidences supporting magnet therapy s claims, but there is no denying the amount of interest it generates from the public. Placements Another consensus is that the magnet should be as close as possible to the affected body part. The magnet can be taped to the skin. One way of doing it is to slip the magnet inside a bandage over the injured area. The second method is to use a wrapping device that has magnets embedded in it. The magnetic field has varying effects. It can relax the capillary walls increasing the blood flow to a certain area. This means more oxygen and nutrients are flowing into an area of pain which helps in the healing process. The magnets are also known to help prevent muscle stiffness and muscle spasms. Studies had shown that magnets had been an effective therapy for pain relief through the method of blocking pain sensations. Applying magnetic fields to an injured area improves blood flow and oxygen which in turn enhances the body s natural healing process. With the improved blood flow and the fluid exchange to the injured tissue helps reduce pain and inflammation.
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