Resulting from the movement of these ions, our physical and mental processes are controlled, and the electromagnetic balance of our bodies is maintained. The imbalance is demonstrated in times when we are injured. The electromagnetic field is put out of balance and pain and swelling are the result. When magnetic therapy is applied on the injured area, both the capillary walls surrounding the muscles and the connective tissues relax. The first group received fake magnet, the second group continued with their original treatment methods. The third group exposed their entire body to a uniform magnetic field. While the fourth group only exposed specific body parts to magnetic field. After six months, the study showed that there are positive results from patients who have exposed themselves to magnetic field. Placing magnets on the two sides of the spine would help solve your back pain problem. Similarly, attaching a pair of magnets on your temple or at the back of your head will help keep that headache at bay. The magnet s South and North poles have different applications as well. One thing you should remember is that the magnet s north pole is magnetically negative while the south is magnetically positive. With more formal studies finding positive results for magnetic therapy, it would be just a matter of time before the scientific community accepts formally magnetic therapy as a legitimate form of treatment. But for now, the therapeutic use of magnets remains under the alternative and complementary category. Types If you really decide to use magnet therapy, you have to choose first the many different types of magnets and magnetic devices available today. There are many theories regarding the sizes and types of magnets, how to use them, and where to apply them depending on the conditions and factors of being treated. Pain relief With magnets held against the skin, the capillary walls become relax which boost the blood flow to the painful area. The magnets also help in preventing muscle spasms that cause many forms of pain by interfering muscle contractions. Also, the magnets interfere the electrochemical reactions in the nerve cells and prevent their ability to transmit pain messages to the brain.
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