How it works It is believed that magnets have magnetic fields that attracts and repel charged particles in the blood. This creates movement and heat. In turn, the blood vessels widen and helps accelerate the healing process. The process allows more blood to pass through the capillaries and improves the blood flow. Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and the Chinese have been known to have used magnets for treatments of various illnesses. In those times, however, the right sizes and weights of magnets that can produce noticeable effects are rare. At the end of the 20th century, smaller and stronger magnetic materials became available. Those horse-shoe magnets that we often see in comics and cartoons are useless for magnet therapies. The most common magnets for therapeutic use are the flat ceramic magnets or at best the neodymium magnets. Neodymiums are stronger magnets than the ceramic types and are probably the best ones for therapeutic use. The lowered end of the shoulders needs the strengthening north-pointing pole. The end that is raised should be applied with a south-pointing end of the magnet to correct the imbalance. Gall bladder In gall bladder problems, the left leg is usually pulled into the hip socket by tight muscles. The south-pointing pole applied to the hip can correct it. Each pole affects the body differently. It has been found out that the negative north pole charge stops the development of growth and infection while the positive south pole assists in tissue growth. With this in mind, it is recommended that you use the negative charge north pole of magnets to fight infections such as the common cold and use on inflammations. For patients suffering from headaches, arthritis pain, menstrual cramps, or sports injuries, magnet therapy can bring safe and effective relief that is inexpensive and non-intrusive. Magnetic energy It had long been established in the scientific community that magnetic energy can pass through most known materials and affects living things as well.
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