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Say Goodby to Body Pain, BP, Heart Stroke & Diabatics। Magnetic Mattress

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An example would be the study conducted in University of Exeter and Plymouth in 2004 about the use of magnetic bracelets in easing pains of those suffering from osteoarthritis. Now, magnet therapy is performed in different countries. It has gained popularity in Japan, Australia, Russia and European countries like Germany. According to the WHO, about 1 billion adults worldwide are overweight, and about 300 million of them are suffering from obesity. Being overweight and obese could cause serious health problems like diabetes, hypertension and cancer. People are starting to become more aware of this. In fact, America has spent $46.3 billion in 2004 for weight loss products. 7 participants used either the real or sham device for 24 hours. After a 7-day rest, they used the opposite therapy for another 24 hours. The evaluated results showed that the use of the real magnet was associated with greater improvements. There were more trials done aside from these. Some showed significant results on the benefits of magnet therapy, especially on pain relief. For over 2,000 years, magnet therapy in China had occupied a central role in Chinese medicine. It had also been mentioned in the earliest writings in Egypt, India and Greece. How it works For the layman, magnet therapy works on the natural energy of magnetism and its relations to a person s overall health. Use the correct poles for each kind of treatment. Magnets have north and south poles pretty much like the earth. The north pole is the magnetically negative side of the magnet and the south pole is magnetically positive one. Each pole affects the body differently. It has been found out that the negative north pole charge stops the development of growth and infection while the positive south pole assists in tissue growth. Some scientists and practitioners also believe that the body, after a time, will accommodate to the magnetic field, thereby reducing its efficiency. To prevent such incidences (irritation and accommodation), the practitioners recommend intermittent use of the magnets. (5 days on, 2 days off or 12 hours on and 12 hours off, etc. 

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