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Medical Myths: Magnet Therapy Feat. Godless Engineer

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) Magnet therapy experts begin their therapy at low gauss and increase the strength gradually. Last words There had been claims from patients on some significant improvements in their conditions (pains and other ailments) with the application of magnet therapy. However, there is still a lack of scientific data to validate the effectiveness of magnets. In fact, there is a middle-aged patient who reported an improvement in her disposition, something she has not experienced for the last three years. Stress is not the only thing that magnet therapy can manage or address. There are several anecdotal reports sharing that Tibetan monks use magnets to relieve depression. There are still a lot to be learned about magnet therapy. Its application to practical medicine still receives frowns and smirks from some members of the medical community. But today more and more studies are pointing to the positive effects of magnotherapy in alleviating pain and treating different medical conditions. Pain relief Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston found magnets effective at blocking pains caused by post-polio syndrome. The syndrome is marked by leg pains and affects up to 20% of polio patients later in life. In the study, 76% of the patients who were treated with a magnet had pain relief. William Gilbert who prescribed magnets for Queen Elizabeth I. More than a century later, Dr. Frank Mesmer and Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (the founder of homeopathy) conducted several experiments and treatments using magnets which they later advocated. Theories Magnet therapy is almost similar to the theory of acupuncture. Medical magnets could help in relaxing and decreasing muscle tightness. They could also stop the nerves from transmitting electrochemical reactions or messages to the brain that would signal pain. When using magnets for pain relief, it is important to consider the gauss or the power of the magnet. For medicinal purposes, magnets with about 400 to 10,000 gauss can be used. 

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