From there it was in 1958 that the American Medical Association accepted hypnosis as a medical form of treatment. As for the history of self hypnosis there have been important connections between self hypnosis and the Jewish cabalistic mysticism made. Before it was used in western medicine, self hypnosis was used for healing and as part of human religious practices. Once you have brought them back to a level of alertness, you can begin to inform them on all that you know about self hypnosis. Start from the beginning and work your way through explaining all there is to know about a self hypnosis session that you have knowledge on. Take the time also to answer any questions that they may have. This is another area where self hypnosis can help. Self hypnosis can reprogram the way that our mind reacts to situations. As it stands now our minds react to situations in a way that makes us back down and not take a stand. It holds us back by making us fear a confrontation. With self hypnosis we can program our minds to make us not fear this confrontation and allow us to be assertive. Myths surrounding hypnosis and even self hypnosis have no sound basis, they came about mostly because of uninformed people making an opinion on something they had no knowledge of. Myth #1- I will be made to do silly and stupid things Well let me say that no you will not be made to do anything silly or stupid. Studies have shown that self hypnosis did in deed enlarge a woman's breasts and is now starting to show that the male's penis can also be enlarged naturally with this form of therapy. We have all heard that our cells are constantly growing and that these cells have memory to tell them where and how to grow. As it stands you mind will latch onto so much and then only store so much of that. Then when you need to recall those details your mind only allows for so much of the stored information to be recalled. So you must retrain your mind to grasp things differently. Once you have retrained your mind, you will see how much easier it is to remember details and such of an event.
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