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Tag 1 – Feng Shui anwenden I Grundlagen und Einführung, mit Ute Riedlinger

Yes, we’ve been running for 13 seconds. That’S a black cloud over us we’re here in the allgu. Yes, we’re really happy that you’re looking in so the goal is scored and we’re on day. One there’s now an introduction to terroristic feng shui from dear ute principles and what has to be observed that is important now for the next few days and what we find, what you can do now in a video like this are important series so short and crisp. So, first of all to understand how exactly your approach is with tourists.

First of all, you might have to say that feng shui is just common sense. So if you look at the old houses or walk in our cities, they mostly built their houses with common sense. So the state is like that at a crossroads, for example, are the houses to the front ending with the corner right in the intersection a but one d, as with all old town, houses are either round or with ergo or cut off to the front again in Such a way that another actor comes in at the right angle, so that it points to other houses thats how town planning was like up to the war.

I would actually say, and after that, you lost this knowledge and start to build according to individuality and your own expression and then common sense consideration for the environment, and things like that have often been lost. If you take a closer look at it, so its fundamentally about an overall view.

Into the overall structure there embedding it at nokia and also that the building supports the human being in his life processes in his life, his vitality, you don’t nominate because every form the form specifies the movement. How I put on the role how I can shape the form accordingly, i move in is that common sense or relevant jet? Currently, i can’t because of how little, how do you find the fire out exactly the modern person, maybe that you just check the basics that you already check the point of view with which you approach things at all.

I always find that totally important when it comes to doing feng shui and coming from the western point of view obliquely from western philosophy from an eastern perception from an eastern reality. So how we think accordingly, is how we experience the real one and, in my opinion, we have to deal with that first deal with before you really deal more deeply with feng shui.

It is the first thing you have to understand so from the wave. Is that in the east they have such a dynamic worldview? That is very important to understand, so they experience because their world of experience is dynamic, the if then – and it’s so fluid – that’s why we experience it when we’re on vacation in asia and a lot of people like to be there, you feel so alive and happy Because everything is there and it is necessary, but it is so fluid and so this interplay of how things play together and how it works, and we in the west we have a culture, the city on statics, on order on calculation on so this scientific procedure.

And there are two fundamentally different approaches to life and in other words, when we deal with the topic of feng shui, we first have to deal with the fact that everything you hear here now the next seven days from this flowing out of this dynamic consciousness emerged. Yes, it makes sense because in the end, it always causes stress and unhappiness when you try to hold on to something exactly that is in the end, then, yes, that you move with it.

What is the science that tries to get to the bottom of things in detail? Is concerned more and more in detail and imm he more and the intelligence of the children than you have it specifically on my son hak, because the knowledge of school learn, learn, learn, learn and you think the more you stuff. The more result you get and that’s not quite right, because we’re with simple johannes behr, for example, busch looks at there is still so much for people to control and learn and study, and do no one on earth will get light out of the sun as out Of light heat earth and water, even a single currant, and so simply johannes busch, designed it in all abundance in one possibility. In of all generosity, both for humans and animals feeds all the films the little animals. Only humans can benefit from it.

Johannes bush does not need it for its reproduction; there can also be struck down roots or a few seeds. Painting that is, generosity is missing, that is nature and that the tactical approach is actually that you observe nature closely and learn from it t and not picking it up into details, but trying to become part of it in the overall context, like nature and always respecting And honoring nature – and there is here in the west through this – what is it called separation through this? That one interferes with nature that you don’t look at it individually as a whole, but also detach yourself from the whole complex that you look at things individually and look at them in depth or as a whole. If you only look at something in detail, but not in its entirety, taken from the overall context, yes, look at things like that, but everything is an overall complex in which tourism tries to understand the overall context. Yes, okay, that’s that’s!

Actually, the important thing I have that, often with war that people want to consume their shoulders in this way, I think about it, ater and that should do it then bring me some furniture make a few changes and everything is already different and that’s actually that’s the One procedure that’s taken from the overall complex just like when we’re doing it here for these seven days that you just know it’s that it’s the beginning, that’s still beginning to look at the world a little bit with different eyes that you just start like a child.

Maybe even seeing things again simply in their beauty to see them in their entirety, opening your eyes and observing, because nature can tell you an awful lot and they tell everyone something completely different, so something individual. It responds to people if you let nature 1 1.

So it’s now day one a little bit of an explanation, and so to sum it up one invitation for you if you’ve been here for the next few days, just let yourself in like a kid and man, au f, to let me have an effect on how It is for you very individually, yes, exactly and maybe very important if I say it like that, there are also these elements and, of course, in Asia there are five elements, but here we are one human being. We have to have the four elements, the four that’s.

Why it’s also called the four elements here in this course, because maybe that’s easy, even today, on the first day, you take the time and sit down and look in your own apartment element, air connect with it look. Where do I have for the element of air which makes me aware that it surrounds me every day in my home, completely fills it with the element of air, which maybe also thanks to the fact that it is in our rooms so connecting with it, then honors. The element of water – where is it at home in my house Me that? Where is that? Where can I find that and then perhaps expressing a small?

Thank you inwardly in my heart that it is. There is not a matter of course ch, and what is life vitality, air breathing is love anyway. We can’t celebrate life without the two elements. Where is your ability to live without fire that you look at it in your home? Where is the fire biggest fire in me?

It starts with our digestion, goes over the heart over love. He likes it outside on the thank you says that the earth still surrounds us. What is honored the element? It is everything everything that is technically everything that materials. Our body, everything without modeling clay so to speak, couldn’t be and that you are there once you realize it takes a minute and looks at it.

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