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RHODIOLA ROSEA (Que Dit La Science ?) | Bienfaits, Dose Et Effets Secondaires

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These doctors and many herbalists believe that adaptogenic herbs is the main ingredient as stress is known to be the major factor for many medical dilemma and use Rosea Rhodiola as a means for overwhelming the devastating effects that results from too much emotional and physical stress. Clinical studies involving women which suffer from loss of menstrual cycles or amenorrhea showed that more than half of them restored their normal cycles and almost half of them became pregnant after taking Rosea Rhodiola for ten days. One way to determine whether a Rosea Rhodiola product is any good is to check its label. It should show that it is USDA approved and it contains a high percentage of Rosea Rhodiola. If a product doesn t have a content label, then there is a very good chance that it contains little or no Rosea Rhodiola at all. Russia, the foremost country which has done research on the plant, has shown that Rosea Rhodiola is effective in preventing high altitude sickness, fatigue reduction and performance enhancement sin both physical and mental aspect. Other treatments proven to be effective with Rosea Rhodiola are in the areas of memory, mental sharpness,, attention span, anxiety, depression, and focus. Rosea Rhodiola roots can be ordered through the internet and it is also available in your local herb or health stores. Another optiuon is for you to grow it on your own. Rosea Rhodiola, although can be found in cold climates is a perennial plant that is able to grow in most weather climates, even in dry and warm climates. Their research attributed these amazing development to the activation of an enzyme called adipose lipase which burns the fats that our body stores. These benefits alone, which have been scientifically proven already by numerous researches, are more than enough to entice anyone to have a healthier body, plus, you would also be happier, gain more confidence in yourself, and look and feel younger. While it is true that there are no deadly side effects, there are still some side effects, albeit rarely does it occur. These side effects with Rosea Rhodiola are very minor and don t pose any life threatening or long term danger to our body s health and well-being. Some of the side effects that a few people who take Rosea Rhodiola may experience are insomnia, dizziness, irritability, and a dry mouth. 

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