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How To Win Child Custody

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For example, a non-custodial parent needs to file a lawsuit against the custodial parent who does not follow the visitation rules ordered by the court. However, in other states, the non-custodial parent may be allowed to have a warrant served for the custodial parent. Thus, it is important to be familiar with the laws that apply to your situation. Physical custody rights allow a parent to the child stay with him or her for good. Barring major disagreements in the wishes of each party, parents can easily determine their rights to custody of their children. However, when both parties cannot reach an agreement, mediation is necessary. Mediation refers to the process that involves intercession of an independent third party to aid parents in making decisions about their custody rights. In fact, the courts have gradually recognized that fathers, too, deserve custody rights over their children. According to a report from the U.S. Census Bureau, 15 percent of custody rights were awarded to fathers in 2004. Since then, the number of fathers gaining custody of their children has grown. If you have recently divorced your wife, then you need to know and understand your custody rights as a father. Parents can still do something since they still get to see their child within the bounds set by law. Experts say that for parents who lose the custody of their children to cope fast with the depression, they should start by not losing hope. What they can do is to research their legal rights if they believe that the court made an error by not giving the child s custody under their name. The court will order that the other parent is given generous visitation with the child. However, this might be restricted in cases of domestic violence, or the parent s inability to care for the child. What if the custodial parent forbids the child s visit to the other parent? The denied parent could ask the court for a contempt order. Let your children know what they should expect to happen so that they won t be scared. You only need to explain that the judge wants to ask your children a few questions so that he can better understand the situation. Try to resist the urge to coach answers against your former spouse or pressure your child to answer according to what you told them because the judge can tell that right away. 

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