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Debunking The Myths About Child Custody In Connecticut

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Emotional stability is a must If you are one of those who have just realized the importance of emotional stability and would want to start it but you just don t know how, here are some of the things that can help you before you face a tiring child custody battle: - Re-assess yourself would be the first thing to do. A number of parents opt to have a lawyer to represent them during the court hearing. On the other hand, others opt to represent themselves. If you are well-versed about the laws in your state involving custody of a child, then you may choose not to hire a lawyer. On the contrary, you need a lawyer if you are not familiar with the state laws governing your case. Legal custody is not the same as physical custody which concerns issues on where the child will reside. Physical custody This is the right granted to the everyday care of the child. The parent with physical custody can dictate where the child will live. The latest custody provisions give physical custody to the custodial parent and grant visitation rights and legal custody to the non-custodial parent. But since herbal or natural remedies don t necessarily have clinical approval, it is best to test first the effects of these herbs before you finally try it. Experts say that one of the most effective methods for helping parents who have loss child custody cases is the process called "desensitization" which is underlying principle in the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT. Legal Custody This custody option gives you the right and responsibility to decide about the upbringing of your child. Legal custody means you can decide for your child in terms of healthcare, schooling, and religious upbringing. Most states allow parents to have joint legal custody of their children, so both parents can make decisions involving the child. Seek Help from Support Groups Knowing the laws that apply to your child s custody is only the first step. You can reinforce your understanding of the custody laws by asking for help from several support groups. You may opt to join the Children Rights Council (CRC) in your state. CRC members get legal help from volunteer lawyers who make them understand their rights and obligations as parents. 

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