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Defining Child Custody: Module 1 of 5

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And when handled properly, people can get lifelong lessons from these trying times and use it to live a good and contented life. Making the best out of what you have Experts say that it is only common for people to feel depression, anxiety and defeat if life has been giving them so many tests and trials such as enduring a child custody case. If these personal efforts won t work, parents who have loss custody of their kids might need to seek professional help. Experts such as a psychologist can help you maintain your emotional and mental health same with counselors who you can talk to regarding the painful experience that you went through when you loss the child custody case. On the other hand, physical custody allows you to have your child live with you. You can get both legal and physical rights in either sole or joint custody. Sole custody gives both legal and physical rights to only one parent. In contrast, joint custody allows both parents to share decisions regarding their children s upbringing. If you are one of those parents who have filed or planning to file for a child custody case, then you should be developing by now the strategies that will help you win custody over your beloved child. Experts say that the best way to win a child custody case is to be armed with information on it. If you are knowledgeable on the nitty gritty of child custody, you won t be easily fooled by the other parent in getting the custody. About 20 percent of cases award joint custody, in which both parents enjoy an equal amount of custody rights over their children. In this child custody arrangement, parents are allowed by the courts to divide for themselves the custody rights as long as neglect or abuse is not involved. Custody rights entail both legal and physical responsibilities of the parents. Custody rights of mothers Under the eyes of the law, mothers and fathers have important roles to play in the growth and development of their children. A father s bigger income compared to that of the mother does not entitle him outright custody in the event of a divorce. In paternity suits, all of the 50 states in the U. 

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