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Child Custody #shorts

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Once you were able to identify all of these, it will be easier for you to set goals for yourself that are within your reach and your capabilities. Knowing one's self will also enable you to take note of your weaknesses and find ways on how to overcome, manage, and deal with them. The same works for your strengths because you might even find a way on how to improve them. Sole custody gives both legal and physical rights to only one parent. In contrast, joint custody allows both parents to share decisions regarding their children s upbringing. If you failed to get sole custody and if, for some reasons, you missed paying child support, these are not enough reasons for you to be deprived of your custody rights over your child. If you want to get custody of your child, follow these tips to win the custody battle. Avoid exposing your children to unhealthy or harmful environments when they are with you. Do you have an affair with another person? Make sure that your children are not exposed to overt displays of affection. Most courts oppose to children being exposed to other relationships too early. To have a clear idea of what the best interest of a child really entails, it pays to know the factors that are taken into consideration in many custody cases. Physical and mental health of the parents Age and sex of child Wishes of the child if he or she is of the right age Religious considerations The relationship with & support from extended family of each parent Proof of alcohol, drug, or sexual abuse of each parent Emotional abuse or discipline from parents Stability of the home environment of each parent The child s adjustment to community and school The wishes of the child regarding his or her custody have a huge bearing in any custody decision. Temporary custody is granted once both parents have been informed and have been given the chance to respond to the petition. In addition, every state has specific requirements for temporary custody. You may be allowed not to hire a lawyer to file for the custody. Thus, it pays to understand the process of filing for temporary custody in your state. A parent who has alcohol or drug problems usually get limited custody and visitation rights, so he or she cannot have full access to the child. This happens especially if there is a proof that the child is in danger of emotional, sexual, or physical harm from a drug- or alcohol-dependent parent. If a parent has started a sexual affair during or after a marriage, the courts will not treat such relationship as a factor in deciding which parent wins the custody of the child. 

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