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3 reasons you may LOSE CUSTODY of your children

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At best, decisions on child custody are not gender specific. This is deemed fair for both father and mother, and the best for the child or children. Custody rights of mothers Under the eyes of the law, mothers and fathers have important roles to play in the growth and development of their children. A father s bigger income compared to that of the mother does not entitle him outright custody in the event of a divorce. Physical and mental health of the parents Age and sex of child Wishes of the child if he or she is of the right age Religious considerations The relationship with & support from extended family of each parent Proof of alcohol, drug, or sexual abuse of each parent Emotional abuse or discipline from parents Stability of the home environment of each parent The child s adjustment to community and school The wishes of the child regarding his or her custody have a huge bearing in any custody decision. Generally, there are five types of custody: physical custody, legal custody, sole custody, joint custody, and bird's nest custody. Physical Custody If you have physical custody over your child, you have the right to have your child physically live with you. In some states, joint physical custody of a child is allowed. This is because when people are motivated, they become more aggressive in achieving their goals and dreams in life despite painful experiences. Studies also show that though motivation from other people helps a lot, it is best if one starts with motivating him or herself. This is because if one knows how to motivate him or herself, that person would be able to make decisions that would affect his or her life in the future. For a parent, it is wise to be fully satisfied to a temporary child custody agreement in the first place. The reason is that there is a good chance for it to become permanent. Modifying this into a new one, even for a very minor issue will mean heavy costs on both parties. Costs Experts, judges, and child psychologists often advise parents to settle their child custody agreements out of the courts. Experts say that the best way to win a child custody case is to be armed with information on it. If you are knowledgeable on the nitty gritty of child custody, you won t be easily fooled by the other parent in getting the custody. Also, if you are informed about the details of child custody, you can explain it easily to your child. 

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