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Try to resist the urge to coach answers against your former spouse or pressure your child to answer according to what you told them because the judge can tell that right away. Just encourage your children to be honest and express what they really want to say. 3. Keep the best interests of your children in mind. Experts say that in order to overcome the ill feelings of losing a child custody case, one needs motivation. This is because when people are motivated, they become more aggressive in achieving their goals and dreams in life despite painful experiences. Studies also show that though motivation from other people helps a lot, it is best if one starts with motivating him or herself. For a person who is preparing for a draining emotional battle, it is best to keep track of how you are doing so you will know where are the areas that you should improve on and what are the things that you should continue doing. If you are able to develop a good outlook in life before the child custody case, everything will start falling into their proper places. In this child custody arrangement, parents are allowed by the courts to divide for themselves the custody rights as long as neglect or abuse is not involved. Custody rights entail both legal and physical responsibilities of the parents. Legal custody rights allow a parent to make major decisions on things that are involved in his or her children s life such as religion, education, and healthcare. This is because they feel that they no longer have anybody to validate their skills and capability on what they can do and what they are doing especially in the school. 2. Withdrawal from the outside world. Kids who went through the painful process of child custody cases are usually the ones who start withdrawing from the outside world. In most cases, the divorcing parents can come into a mutual agreement. Setting aside their differences, and with the help of their respective attorneys, they arrive on a shared custody. Basically, they would agree to a 50/50 legal as well as the physical custody of the children. With this mutual decision, these kinds of parents have nothing in their minds but the welfare of their children. 

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