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Sports Nutrition for Youth Athletes

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These protective substances are commonly known as phytochemicals. Phytochemicals means "chemicals from plants." Vegetables and fruits therefore are excellent sources. Color means protection Colorful vegetables and fruits have high levels of phytochemicals. In most cases, colorful skins of fruits and vegetables have the most concentrated source of protective nutrients. However, one need not be a plain imitator thinking that what works to other people will similarly work for him. An assessment of individual characteristics is also very important. Sports nutrition education may come in several forms. A lot of institutions have already been conducting seminars and other awareness programs to educate people. Endurance sports test the physical and mental fortitude of an athlete; if you are not well fed for this kind of competition, it would be better for you if you would back off from the competition. Best Sports Nutrition for Endurance Sports Athletes - Best sports nutrition a day before the event Do not overwork yourself on the day before the event. Even if you are into sports, you ll only need your regular diet plus plenty of water. Thus, you do not need a sport nutrition product. Right? Wrong. The need for sports and sport nutrition product Records of antiquities show that athletics has been an integral part of earliest man s life. Athletic life was originally meant for survival through gathering food or for self protection. Not enough food and nutrients coupled with too much exercise causes this to happen. On the other hand, your body may also use protein for energy if you exercise with low levels of muscle glycogen (a stored form of glucose, yes, sugar) or if you are doing sustained exercise without consuming enough carbohydrates. Post menopausal women should have at least one thousand milligrams per day of calcium, while women who are pregnant and who are also breastfeeding should have one thousand two hundred milligrams per day. Keeping your body s fat levels low is the aim of many female athletes. Excess fats may be detrimental to performance. 

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