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Sports Nutrition for Athletes

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Here are some helpful reminders to maintain proper hydration: -Instead of slugging humongous amounts of water in infrequent sittings, drink small portions in frequent durations. -Cold beverages aid the body in cooling down body temperature, therefore cutting down the amount of sweating. -One should drink 2-3 cups of water for every pound that the body losses after exercising. Frozen blueberries, mixed berries, and mangoes can be blended into a smoothie with fruit juice and milk or yogurt or used as cereal topping. Chicken breasts or fish fillets that are frozen in individual packing are a good protein source for your meals. Frozen meatballs provide variation and can be easily mixed with pasta. " It is this principle that eventually led to the explosion of the nutraceutical industry. The nutraceutical industry is concerned with nutraceuticals, that is, food or part of a food that offers medical and/or health benefits including prevention or treatment of disease. All therapeutic areas such as anti arthritic, cold and cough, pain killers, digestion, sleeping disorders, blood pressure, cholesterol, prevention of certain cancers, osteoporosis, depression and diabetes are covered by nutraceuticals. It could also be a grid to determine if we can eventually become sports superstars or not. Nutritional health may be the main reason why you are tall, strong and have the skills to be good in sports. This is also vital for having a strong mind and a healthy body because of the fact that these nutrients fuel almost all bodily functions. While it is true that drinking enough water and eating a balanced diet is enough for the regular guy, sports people you included need additional nourishment, for the efficient production of energy and fuel. Your rigorous training must be accompanied by the right amount of sports nutrition protein. This will help you maximize your athletic talents and in the process gain more power, strength, and endurance as you train. If you lack glucose in your body, you cannot think properly because your brain does not have enough fuel that it needs. Worse, you might faint even before the race begins of hypoglycemia. Having enough stores of glucose in your body will keep you alert and going even for long hours of physical activity. 

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