It should show that it is USDA approved and it contains a high percentage of acai berry. If a product doesn t have a content label, then there is a very good chance that it contains little or no acai berry at all. Also, if the content label lists numerous ingredients, the acai berry content will be very minimal and most likely diluted. While it is true that if there is a great demand then it would certainly be made available to the consumers, the acai berry is known to have a very short storage life and it is not viable for any store to place them on their shelves or refrigerator. Also, acai berries are quickly made into the different forms it is marketed in to ensure that the nutrients are not lost. The western world is just discovering its benefits because the acai berry fruit easily loses its potency once it is harvested, which made it unsuitable for exporting. However, thanks to modern preservation methods, such as flash freezing, it is now possible to export the acai berry from South America to any part of the world without losing its potency. Pure acai berry powder can be mixed with liquids to turn into a juice or a smoothie or can be used as an ingredient to your favorite recipes. If you don t want to go through all that trouble to take your acai berry supplement, you can just then take pure acai berry in its capsule form. Pure acai berry powder is packed inside a capsule and can be ingested very much the same way as you do with other vitamins and supplements. As we become more revitalized, we have enough energy to help us exercise and lose weight. And its nt just about losing weight, once you lose your unwanted fats, it can be very difficult as well to maintain your new body. Acai berries can help you with this as well. But let s get to the root of the problem, why do people gain weight. For example, even if you take a 500 ml acai berry juice on a daily basis with only about 30 percent acai berry as an ingredient, it wouldn t amount the same to taking a one hundred percent acai berry juice of the same size ingested thrice a week. The amount of Acai berry you introduce to your body makes a huge difference on how it will make a healthy impact to your well being.
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