Acai berries are also great sources for fiber, antioxidants, fatty acids and other nutrients. Just by ingesting or introducing acai berries to your body, you can help it to process food better and provide it with the nutrients it need even if you are on a diet and don t eat that much. You will still be able to provide your body the nutrients that it needs to work perfectly and make it healthy. To begin with, the acai berry fruit, as its name suggests, is a small sized berry that is tightly packed with many different types of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fatty and amino acids, and various others that greatly contributes to our body s well-being. The acai berry can only be found in the Amazon forest. Many of these products provide a list which will show you the benefits that you can avail of when ingesting this superfood. But before we go into that, it is best that we first discover what exactly is in the acai berry that has made it into one of the world s most beneficial food. Acai berries contain: Amino Acids- various types of amino acids can be found in the acai berry, all of them helps in developing your muscles allowing it to easily regenerate, contract, grow stronger and provide it with stamina and energy. Scientists have discovered that acai berries contain compounds destroy cultured cancer cells, in one experiment alone, those acai berries compounds have attacked and destroyed almost eighty percent of leukemia cancer cells. And these are just the tip of the iceberg. There are still numerous health benefits that one can derive from acai berries. Colon cleansing has been one of the biggest concerns of many people in the past few decades. The foods we eat are not totally flushed out and some may still remain inside our body if not digested properly. In time, these undigested food will line up our colon then harden, becoming a safe haven for many toxins. And because it has been given a lot of media attention, it s not difficult to see why its popularity has soared high. Also, many reputable and well known personalities, such as Oprah, have shown their approval for this supplement and only until now has it been shared in these parts of the world. Third Myth: Acai Berry is only a supplement and is not effective in losing weight.
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