In the medical world, this is the obstruction of the pulmonary artery by the blood clot. Performing the treatment on the person suffering from these will only compromise his health. So the best thing to do is to wait until this medical issue has been resolved. Care should be exercised by women who are pregnant when deciding that a reflexology is right for them. Even devoted reflexologists refuse to advise an entire therapy around reflexology because mainstream medicine is still respected as the default medication for all. In essence, reflexology is simply a therapy to release stress. The pressure points release hormones that induce the body into a relaxed state. Ask around to find the best and able referrals. You may find that some of your friends have already asked for the services of a therapist, and they can lead you to someone who really knows what he is doing. It's best to check out professional organizations and associations. It is likely that the reflexology therapists in your region belong to a certain organization. The common reflexology session will often lasts from 30 to 60 minutes, and the length of time will depend on the practitioner. And at times the length will depend on the severity of the concern of the person. This is a relaxing session, so there is a chance that the person may fall asleep. There is nothing wrong with falling asleep during the sessions. So strongly consider getting the right set of skills and consider getting certified so that you can practice reflexology and do your part in helping people dismiss the aches and the pains and say hello to relaxation. As of this time, there are only two states in the United States that has the authority to license reflexology practitioners. The gums, jaw and teeth are located just below the tips of the finger and toes and the neck and brain stem pressure points are located on the length of the fingers and on the web of the toes. This placement is very apt because it represents the body parts as if it is on an actual human body. Also, it makes the familiarization of pressure points very easy because you already know the pattern of the reflexology chart.
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