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It's okay to use local vaginal estrogen and hormone replacement therapy!

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Estrogen medications are used to treat disorders that are caused by low estrogen level in a person s body or due to the menopausal symptoms. However, if you are considering some of the side effects that have been brought by estrogen creams and other medications you can take estrogen supplements. However, it must be noted that even some of the alternatives of hormone replacement products such as the estrogen supplements are not safe at all times. Some of the patients can be prone to more side effects especially if Estrogen patches are not suited for them. Most common side effects of Estrogen patches are skin irritation, back pain and sometimes headache. Sometimes you will also experience bloating and abdominal cramps but these are very rare side effects. Other beneficial effects of estrogen are: Reduce night sweats Reduces the risk of colon cancer Improves pelvic musculature Avoid loss of collagen in the skin However, besides its promises, estrogen has also increased the number of severe concerns because there are dangerous effects that could possibly happen with some women. In addition, as the adult population increases, the number of estrogen deficient women will also increase. There is an increasing alarm that many of these affected women will not have a chance to be treated for estrogen deficiency. A correct management of estrogen deficiency should be taken into consideration since this deficiency can give permanent problems to the affected person. However, there are still some women, which are continuously using the pill. Why is it? Most women still use estrogen pills perhaps: Have not heard anything about the life-threatening danger it could give. These women have no idea of what is happening around them. Perhaps, she did not even know that such report exists. The treatment involves a sequence of drugs intended to synthetically boost hormone levels. As the name suggests, ERT replaces hormones which the ovaries no longer produce, either through natural or surgical menopause, and provides relief from the horrible symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and night sweats. 

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