This statistic means that there is really a big need for improvement. In addition, as the adult population increases, the number of estrogen deficient women will also increase. There is an increasing alarm that many of these affected women will not have a chance to be treated for estrogen deficiency. Estrogen replacement therapy replaces the hormones that are no longer produced by the ovary. It also provides relief for the unpleasant risks and effects that are brought by the symptoms of menopause in a woman s body specifically the hot flashes and the night sweat. Aside from merely using estrogen it is also sometimes associated with progestin. Hormone replacement therapy is also essential for women who are experiencing menopause. Natural estrogen level also helps in the prevention of osteoporosis. There are certain components of estrogen that helps in bone formation and bone nourishing as well. Scientists have proven that women who have normal estrogen level in the body are less likely to suffer from osteoporosis. Consider the following statements made by the American Medical Association: Estrogen therapy is the only reliable and adequate therapy to maintain system dependents with the hormones in the ovary and to reduce hot flushes. Indicative vaginal waste and vaginitis and waste changes of the lower urinary tract with irregular and inconsistent urination are reversible with the estrogen therapy. 3. Estriol - this is the least powerful among the three. Since these estrogen hormones can be taken, they have the same effects and side effects especially if the doses are the same. The hormones should not be used when a woman is pregnant because it can lead to miscarriage. If taken at the earlier stage of pregnancy, it can badly harm the developing fetus. There are many probable causes of hair loss. For instance, there is high fever, serious disease, pregnancy, too much stress, and the most common, estrogen deficiency all of which can cause you to have hair loss. The best way to do to prevent further hair loss is to protect the remaining strands of your hair.
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