Otherwise, a woman already knows about the health risk of the estrogen but is still not bothered about it. What they want is to get rid of the menopause symptoms immediately even if it will give her in return unbearable diseases. Do not know that there are also effective but safe ways to remove hot flashes and other menopause symptoms without the need to use the estrogen pills. This is a destructive form of testosterone and estrogen, which causes the follicles of the hair to reduce in size and avoid new hair growth. Luckily, women with estrogen hair loss are considered in a better situation. For women, this is a seldom problem that happens. Hair loss in women normally happens after giving birth. One of the worst effects that it can bring to a person is the so-called endometrial cancer. This is often due to a prolonged intake of Estrogen. The risk will vary on the length of the treatment and the dosage of the Estrogen taken by a patient. Since Estrogen therapy has the long term and the short term period, it must be noted that lower dose of medicine should be taken for the long term in order to reduce the risk. But at the same time, one would have to weigh the consequences it provides before deciding to undertake such therapy. However the consequences, advantages seem to outnumber them. The use of conjugated estrogens is usually known for significant drop in the occurrence of heart disease and osteoporosis, including a decrease of approximately 10% in the incidence of heart disease and stroke, over non-estrogen users. In addition, researches have also shown that there is a greater risk of breast cancer among women who use both the estrogen and the progestin. Other possible negative effects of estrogen include: Vaginal bleeding or spotting Abdominal pains Poor sleeping habit Skin rashes Depression Head aches, migraine headaches Causes endometrial cancer Therefore, with both of these positive and negative effects presented, the decision in taking estrogen will not be all yes . Since these estrogen hormones can be taken, they have the same effects and side effects especially if the doses are the same. The hormones should not be used when a woman is pregnant because it can lead to miscarriage. If taken at the earlier stage of pregnancy, it can badly harm the developing fetus.
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