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Try the different weights, size, and colors until the most comfortable ball is found. Rule of thumb is: choose the ball that is most comfortable to carry and release but make sure the weight is heavy enough. 2. If playing bowling is turning out to be a passion, purchase a custom made bowling ball; one made for ease, and with holes drilled especially to fit the owner's fingers. There are frames that are used in scoring the number of pins that were knocked down during the delivery. The frame is shaped in a square with a little square box in the upper right corner of the square. When a strike is scored, no marking or counts are made in the boxes. However, the pins that were knocked down on the first delivery are scored in the box next to the small square. The core of the bowling ball is a complex mixture of dense materials that controls it spin and hook. As a ball becomes smaller in weight the core becomes smaller. The filler is material that fills the void between the coverstock and the core. The density of the filler material used to make a bowling ball will change based on the desired weight of the ball. Types of Bowling Pins Bowling pins are necessary for the game of bowling as they are the objects that are to be aimed at, hit, and knocked down - the target. The bowling ball knocks down pins to produce the score. The scoring may vary depending on whether the person is playing ten-pin bowling or five-pin bowling. So for those who are not yet aware of these benefits, here is a list that you should know: 1. Promotes good muscle exercises Merely walking along the lane, while attempting to make a strike or a spare, is enough to exercise the muscles in your legs. It resembles that of the "walking exercise" that most health buffs do; the only difference is that there is more weight involved. Wrist support A bowler may choose to use a wrist support when bowling. This equipment trains the wrist to bowl with the proper form. Using this regularly will improve one's game. The wrist support should fit perfectly and the proper size to hug the wrist. One must not feel any discomfort or pain when using wrist supports. 

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