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In fact, most health experts say that doing warm up exercises increases the capacity of the person to withstand the activity or the game. It has been clinically proven that warm up exercises can actually boost an individual's working ability and can lessen, if not eliminate, the chances of injury. It is necessary for every bowler to do some warm up exercises since playing the game could put more strain on the player than anticipated. Bowling Online - Enjoying the Game Away from the Lanes You set up, shoulders square with the foul line; you eye the target, aligning yourself with the dots on the lane; you raise the ball in preparation, stepping to move forward, slide, swing and let go. The ball travels just as you had envisioned it; and knocks down the split pins at the far end of the alley. Getting a personal bowling ball is a great idea for league players and even casual enthusiasts who play a bit more than once in a while. Shopping for a ball can present a bit of quandary, however. Here's what to consider in a bowling ball: Budget. Balls can get rather expensive. It's not a bad idea to set a budget before doing some serious shopping. Lunge into the front leg, feeling a pull in the calf of the other leg. Keep your back straight when doing this. Hold for eight counts and then switch. Ankles Standing up straight, place your hands on your hips (or hold on to something for balance) and raise one leg up, bending at the knee. Point your toes to the floor, and then rotate your foot to loosen up the ankles. Bowling Lane Etiquette Is Important It's gained a reputation of being a game for the those without class and manners, but the truth is bowling is a an ancient sport that carries with it quite a few rules about proper behavior. These rules are taken very seriously by those who frequent the alleys, so it's a very good idea for beginners to learn a bit about the sport and its expected bowling lane etiquette. If a second strike followed the first one, add 10 points for the first strike, another 10 for the second, but before closing the tally for this particular frame, record the number of pins that fell on the next frame's first attempt. Add this number to the 20 points from the previous frame. 7. In the event of a spare, indicate a slash (/) in the small box after all the pins have been knocked down on the second attempt. 

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