Although it might take years to reach "pro" status, almost anyone of any age can play this game. The game can be altered for young children and it is one even teens tend to enjoy, as well. There are plenty of reasons why a family trip to a bowling alley can be a great idea. They include: Bonding. Bowling Lane Etiquette Is Important It's gained a reputation of being a game for the those without class and manners, but the truth is bowling is a an ancient sport that carries with it quite a few rules about proper behavior. These rules are taken very seriously by those who frequent the alleys, so it's a very good idea for beginners to learn a bit about the sport and its expected bowling lane etiquette. Here's a short list of bowling-based online games that have been making the rounds lately: There are many free games online that build on the basic alley, pins and ball setup, with little variations. To check out some, try tapping out key bowling phrases on your favorite search engine to find games such as Polar Bowler, Pot Bowling Around the World, It's Raining Pins, and Bowling Evolution. You can practice your approach without throwing a single ball. Keep your shoulders square to the front, your head up, arm swing smooth, and your pace consistent and even. Bowling Tip #4: Let em roll Spend time rolling the ball. A bowling ball should never be thrown. How do you tell the difference? A thrown ball will land with a loud clunk and then slide a few feet before beginning to roll. There is also a spare, which is scored when the pins that were left standing after the first delivery were knocked down on the second delivery. Both deliveries should fall in the same frame. A spare is then marked with a "/" in the smaller square on the upper right corner of the frame. The count for every spare is scored 10 added to the number of pins knocked down after the next delivery. They are because of the gliding motion one makes when approaching the lane and releasing the ball. Regular tennis shoes cannot give that glide. In fact, when it comes to bowling shoes, each shoe is designed differently as they function independent of each other. One shoe is glossy smooth so it gives the bowler a flawless glide.
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