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magnet therapy for infertility # short video#nepali

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By applying magnets on the surface of the affected area, the magnetic field relaxes the capillary walls of the body s cells resulting to increase blood flow to that part of the body and at the same time prevents the flow of liquids outside the cells which help control the pain. Some also claims that the same magnetic field disrupts muscle contractions preventing muscle spasms to occur. The magnet surface strength might be different from its core so read the labels of your magnet carefully. Also, selecting a large and thick magnet with a stronger magnetic field can help reach specific areas better allowing treatment to work faster and more effectively. When looking for the proper magnets, it is absolutely necessary to consider only high quality grades available in the market. Aside from little or no side effects, there are different studies showing that natural healing actually reap results. An example would be the use of four magnets on the back. Just place the magnets on the points below the shoulder blade and one to two inches to the side from the spine line. How effective are these methods? Magnet therapy claims that the body s circulation is enhanced due to the presence of iron in the blood and thereby increasing blood flow. The last two claims declare that magnets have a positive effect on the pH balance of the cells as well as influencing hormone production. Magnet polarity One of the most obvious characteristics of a magnet is its polarity, the south (positive) and the north (negative) poles. They could also stop the nerves from transmitting electrochemical reactions or messages to the brain that would signal pain. When using magnets for pain relief, it is important to consider the gauss or the power of the magnet. For medicinal purposes, magnets with about 400 to 10,000 gauss can be used. The simple rule is that the north-pointing pole gives energy, while the south-pointing pole takes in energy. These facts have to be put into the context of the various illnesses. An inflammation or a tight muscle or pain is considered a congestion of energy. The south pole point of the magnet can withdraw that energy out. 

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