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How Magnet Therapy Works

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Many theories and myths on their use came about later. Some of them were in conflict with each other causing confusion even among the practitioners. Some of these old stories have lingered until today. Today, the use of magnets to treat illnesses has been discouraged pending further testing of the efficacy of magnets. However, there are theories that magnets (they call them biomagnets ) do not necessarily heal but it can stimulate the body to heal naturally. There are other claims of what biomagnets can do from proponents of magnet therapy. These include restoration of cellular magnetic balance, and the so-called acceleration of the migration of calcium ions of ions to help heal bones and nerve tissues. For over 2,000 years, magnet therapy in China had occupied a central role in Chinese medicine. It had also been mentioned in the earliest writings in Egypt, India and Greece. How it works For the layman, magnet therapy works on the natural energy of magnetism and its relations to a person s overall health. However, when using magnetic healing for treating disorders like bowel problems, it is still best to consult your doctor. Magnetic healing is not intended to replace recommended and doctor approved treatment. But it could be used to enhance positive results. Among other magnetic products marketed is the magnetised water. With the use of magnets, it is possible to restore energy to the body, improve sleep, relieve pain and even, stress in a natural way. There are several cases where magnet therapy was able to prevent and treat chronic sicknesses. How did it all start? Early civilizations, apparently, were already using magnetic therapy. By applying magnets on the surface of the affected area, the magnetic field relaxes the capillary walls of the body s cells resulting to increase blood flow to that part of the body and at the same time prevents the flow of liquids outside the cells which help control the pain. Some also claims that the same magnetic field disrupts muscle contractions preventing muscle spasms to occur. 

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