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Fat burning, high intensity, low impact home cardio workout

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It s a good thing you have the option of owning a treadmill. It is a low impact cardio machine that paves the way for walking, jogging, and even running in place. This is made possible by a moving belt situated over a deck. You can choose between a manual and a motorized treadmill. The manual type is lighter and less expensive. However, as it does so, the impact on the ankles and knees are lessened, if not totally eliminated. Results brought about by this particular machine are usually fast because the calories are quickly and effectively burned throughout the duration of the entire activity. Using the machine could burn more stored calories than what the regular treadmill could do. This is because your arms are closer to your heart. Since a session on this contraption can be a bit boring you might want to listen to your favorite tunes. You should not be too hasty in judging new and innovative cardio exercise equipment. Yes the conventional ones are tried and tested but the other machines in your local gym were placed there for a reason. The most significant goal of a good cardiovascular exercise is increasing your heart rate. This way, more blood could be pumped into the heart. More calories would be burned, as indicated by the excessive sweat your body produce. You could help yourself raise the rate of your heartbeat even without the use of a machine. Because you are using them while in a standing position, you would be prompted to use more muscle mass. This way, the rate or calorie burning could remain high. Elliptical machines with added arm components could help burn much more calories. The setback is that these machines could pose unlikely impact to the joints. There are just too many of such machines, but of course you may not know all of them. It is said that every month, there is a new variation or evolution of current cardio exercise machines. Thus, there could be numerous of them by now. Here are the ones you could easily find. The treadmill burns the greatest amount of calories compared to other cardio exercise equipment around. 

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