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Why single moms are the worst parents...

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Eventually, the person who tries so hard to face the challenges of single parenting becomes so tired and will lead to nervous breakdown. To be an effective single parent, it is best if you set your own pace so you won't get tired. This will also be beneficial for you because you can rest whenever you want to since nobody is breathing down your neck to do things you are not ready to do. You have another person to feed and raising children can be pretty expensive. Babies will require milk and special foods and equipment. When they are toddlers, they will need to attend play school and have books that will start off their learning. And if you are basically raising your child alone without any support from your parents or from anyone, you will probably also need babysitters while you which can cost a fortune when you rack all the amounts. Just make sure that they all have timers and they are set at specific time of your arrival. Setting the timer of these appliances will also ensure that they will not cause fire if they are left turned on for a long period of time. - ask your neighbor to use your parking space while you are away. By having your parking space occupied by your neighbor, potential burglars will hesitate to enter your house and steal your properties because they know that you are present. Accepting the situation is easier for those who have actually chosen to raise their kids on their own without any support from their partners or to those who still receive support but are not living with their partners but for those whose partners turned their back on them, this is much harder to take. In Colorado and New York, a known donor may assert parental rights; however, it is unclear if a court would impose any responsibilities on a known donor in the two states. According to a study, the reason why many single women choose to bear a child by donor insemination is because they feel they are running out of time to fulfill the lifelong dream of having a child. This is important not to pressure yourself with things that you feel you cannot do yet. If you feel that you can't work and be a parent simultaneously, you have to find a way to provide for your child's needs while you are being a full-time single parent. If this won't work, you should never stop finding a set up that would work best for you and your child. 

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