But whatever the situation is that led you to this kind of responsibility, the same thing is true: you are in charge of a child and you must do everything that you can to ensure that he will have a good future and that he will grow up with values. This is a hard task, a pretty daunting task, whether you are just a high school graduate or newly widowed. Head of Household: Money Management for Single Parents by Kara Stefan - Covering eleven primary concerns of single parent today, Head of Households is a definitive book on financial management in a single parent home. The book is written by a veteran financial writer who is as a single parent knows the financial pitfalls of raising a child and building a family alone. Parenting young adults on your own Studies show that one of the major reasons why there are many single parents who have teen rebels is because the latter feel that they are neglected and somehow abandoned by his or her parents. Because of this mistrust, many of them tend to keep issues on their own and wait until they can no longer handle it. To do this, any single parent should be inspired to continue living despite being separated from the ones they have been with. It is also a must for single parents to be motivated for this will keep them moving. Studies show that many adults become responsible single parents because they have motivated themselves to look for positive things that the situations brought them. In the United States, five of every six single-parent households are headed by a mother. Fathers, are only given the custody and allowed to play the role of single parent if the parent is widowed, the mother deserted her child or children, or the mother refuses custody of her child. A mother may give up custody and award parenting to the father of child or children due to lack of financial resources, child's preference living with the father, inability to control or discipline children, threats of legal custody battles, and physical or emotional problems suffered by her. Preparing Yourself For Single Parenting Many people don t realize that single parenting is not all that bad. There are also good things in it if they look past the hurt and the pain brought by the separation. To those who are on the process of recovery from a failed relationship and is looking forward to raising their kids on their own, the best thing to do is to learn how to let go of the past.
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