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7 Effects of Growing Up with a Single Parent

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The usual pattern after divorce is that the mother becomes the single parent (taking the major obligation of raising the children) while the father becomes the supporting parent. In the United States, five of every six single-parent households are headed by a mother. Fathers, are only given the custody and allowed to play the role of single parent if the parent is widowed, the mother deserted her child or children, or the mother refuses custody of her child. You will probably have problems with your schedules and yes, you will probably need to learn how to juggle your time and keep your priorities straight but you can make it work. All it takes is a clear mind and a ready heart. Here are some tips on how to make dating a success. 1. Make sure that you are ready You have gotten burned and the person who you thought loved you before have turned their back on their responsibility and left you to deal with it. Gearing Up For Single Parenting These days, it is inevitable for some couples despite being married for quite some time and have had kids to part ways. This separation has paved the way for more and more adults to raise their kids through single parenting. Ideally, raising a child should involve the mother and the father since they could attend to the different needs of the child. It is like having a second family, with people that you can depend on for help. Have a strong and close relationship with your child Your child is your partner now. He or she is the only person that you can depend on, the same way that you are the only one he or she can depend on. Establish a close and loving relationship with your child while he or she is still young. This is especially true with those who are raising their children on their own without getting any support from their partners. This is hard to take both financially and emotionally. So what can they do to survive it? Here are some tips that will help all the single parents out there. 1. Accept the situation This is the first step in making it alive and stronger from this situation. What is single parenting? A family is consists of father, mother, and child or children. The father plays the provider while the mother plays the nurturer of a family. But there are situations when one parent plays both the nurturer and the provider alone. It is a tough role but nowadays, single parenting is common and already acceptable in our society. 

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