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Short Kid met Single-Parent Girl

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Many don t realize that when they lose interest in their families, it's a sign that there is wrong in the relationship and it something needs to be done about it. - feel the need that it is better to raise your child alone. This feeling stems from the fact that your care for your child and he or she doesn t deserve to be in a situation where there's always tension. They need to get ready though because the scheduling can be hard and there is also the added stress of juggling both the problems of being in a relationship (and there will be problems, I tell you! Every relationship has them.) and raising your child alone. Here are some ways to make dating easier for you. Time can be a problem especially with moms who are working two to three jobs just to make both ends meet. 3. The father or the mother figure As your child grows, they will also need the influence of another gender. They need a mother or a father figure that they can look up to. If you live with your parents or live with roommates of the opposite sex, this will not be a problem but what if you are living alone? Single parents should only date when they met somebody by chance and felt in their gut that they can be serious with that person or when the person is recommended by a friend and therefore, a date that is already filtered. If it is some random guy or gal that you do not really know and have no initial feelings for, better save your effort for another one. Once you got hold of his or her interest, you can try explaining the advantages of the single parenting like being able to give more time to her since your attention won't be divided anymore. And, you can also try discussing the disadvantages of forcing parents stay together such as frequent arguments and constant fights. So what can they do to survive it? Here are some tips that will help all the single parents out there. 1. Accept the situation This is the first step in making it alive and stronger from this situation. Accepting the situation is easier for those who have actually chosen to raise their kids on their own without any support from their partners or to those who still receive support but are not living with their partners but for those whose partners turned their back on them, this is much harder to take. 

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