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Tips For Single Parenting | Culture Curry

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The Complete Single Father: Reassuring Answers to Your Most Challenging Situations - Whether you are a widower or divorced dad, single parenting will require you a fast learning curve. Written by a newly divorced dad and by the grandmother of his children, this book is a realistic, yet positive guide that offers information on how a single dad maintain a stable family with less stress involved. But though single parenting can seem pretty gloomy, it does not have to be so depressing. With the right attitude, you can make this experience a positive one, something that you can learn a lot from. Here are some ways that will help you make the journey of a young single mom much easier. 1. Get on with your life There is no use getting mad at the cards fate had dealt you with. You should also watch out for your schedule. It is not good to do it constantly because remember that your child needs you too. A once-a-week date is good but more than that can be a problem except of course when you can bring the date over to the house but that of course can happen only when you have already dated the guy or the gal for a long while now. A divorce case where the mother has the primary physical custody of the child is one example of a single-parent household. According to a study by Rodgers in 1996, prevalence of single-parent "family" cases in the United States are caused by the changing social and cultural trends, presence of welfare benefits that allows women to set up their own households, higher rates of divorce and non marital childbearing, higher employment opportunities for women, and, lower employment opportunities for men. Remember that you do not only have to take care of yourself. You have another person to feed and raising children can be pretty expensive. Babies will require milk and special foods and equipment. When they are toddlers, they will need to attend play school and have books that will start off their learning. At first, this may be vague and can be mistaken as tantrums but eventually, this behavior will become more and more noticeable because it will manifest in other things as well as places not only at school but outside the home as well. - failed grades and repeated failure in completing school works. This is a very alarming symptom of the child who is greatly affected by constant fighting of his or her parents. 

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