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The Terrifying Impact Of Single-Parent Households - Melissa Kearney

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Not only do you need to teach them the right set of values and help them grow to be good responsible adults, you also need to provide for their every needs and even pay for their education. For a couple, this is already difficult. How many times have we heard of stories of couples not sleeping at night because they need to take care of their baby? Most single parents who date actively seek out for potential mates and it is there that they get into trouble. Although it is good to find someone who you can depend on, going out on dates with random people that you ve met in bars are just not going to cut it. If you just want to have a great time and are just using the excuse of finding a mother or father figure for your kid, give yourself the reality check. It should be your child of course and maybe your career, which you need in order to provide well for your child. By knowing your priorities and having clear-cut goals, you will be constantly reminded of what you should be doing. This will come in handy during moments when you are tempted to turn back on your responsibility or just give up. It is also a must for single parents to be motivated for this will keep them moving. Studies show that many adults become responsible single parents because they have motivated themselves to look for positive things that the situations brought them. It is believed that effective single parenting will follow once the parent mother or father was able to find his or her source of motivation in achieving goals that they have set not only for themselves but for the children as well. - extreme struggle in staying in one task. This is one of the worst effects of having parents that argue everyday because this leads to decrease on confidence of the child. If the child loses his or her confidence, he or she would not be able to complete anything thinking that nobody will be there to guide him or her. What they don t realize is that the more they stay in an unhappy relationship; they are just bringing more damage to their kids. Contrary to common perception that separation is always bad to kids, experts say that it is not always the case because it depends on the gravity of the situation at home. For many kids, being raised by a single parent is more advisable because they don t have to witness arguments between their parents everyday. 

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