Information that can be received in various forms can now be responded to with more immediacy than information passed through only one form. Communications with more than one person, communications while traveling and the easy archiving and searching of all types of messages are some of the ways that efficiency (productivity) may be increased with unified communications. Once all of these have been identified, it will be easier to turn the bad ones into good ones and there would also be greater chances of making the positive ones better. Small steps Being productive is not an easy task. It would require so much self-assessment as well as constant reflection over one's self, on his or her environment, the people that surround him or her and the overall condition of life that he or she is in. The famous Peter Drucker is more to the point: Without productivity objectives, a business does not have direction. Without productivity measurement, it does not have control. Data-gathering Collecting data is an essential requirement in measurement. The three basic ways of collecting data on a phenomenon or system are inquiry, observation and documentation. Good examples of efficiency measures are the traditional labor productivity measures of standard hours compared to productive hours. They give good index of labor productivity on how well labor is working or being utilized. They show whether organizations are doing things right while giving no indication of whether an organization is doing the right things . To do so, specify or have a clear picture or idea what it is you really want to get done. If the goal is still too broad or general, simplify it further and further until you get to the specifics. Make sure the goal is measurable. To make it so, make it easily comparable to several set of activities or to other simpler and achieved goals. Relative measure For all its many forms, productivity is a relative measure because it is used to compare the effectiveness of many entities. These can be countries, organizations, departments, or individuals. From the perspective of a system, productivity shows how well an organization transforms its inputs into outputs.
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