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How to Enjoy Doing Hard Things (ft. Ali Abdaal)

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Findings The studies were done to check the factors that determine labor productivity for a given period, the size of capital stocks needed for material use, the equipments, and the workplace practices. They also included computer use, human capital investments, high performance work systems, profit sharing, and recruitment practices. For example, set Sunday as a day for activities with them. Make it a regular or a tradition that you and your family meet out and have fun together during the day. There should be time for work and for family fun. Enjoyment and winding up could somehow help bolster your overall productivity. Clean the house regularly. MRT MRT (mutual reward theory) is an incentive program where the organization assists an employee to reach his or her goals. This is accomplished while sill meeting the company s production goals. The greatest rewards are achieved when the benefits are at an optimum for all persons. Usually, productivity is directly proportional to the degree of success of MRT. This is because if you already accepted that there are things that are beyond your control, you will be able to forgive yourself and start anew. If you just keep thinking of the past, this will serve as a reminder of your failure. And if you keep thinking about your defeat, you will undergo a never ending cycle of blaming yourself for the things that you did not really opted to do. After some time, many great methods were tried, tested, and were proven effective and are now in use by many companies. They come in many different configurations but are basically the same strategies. One of the best methods used was to measure, analyze and then to set improvement goals. Afterwards, a workable productivity improvement plan was designed and was worked on to near-ideal finish. In the same quarter, output and productivity growth rates in the Euro Area turned negative following the traditional pattern that employment growth does not adjust as quickly to a deteriorating economy in Europe as it does in the U.S. Presently, productivity growth rates in advanced economies are falling below historical structural productivity trends. 

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