They show whether organizations are doing things right while giving no indication of whether an organization is doing the right things . Effectiveness It could be summarized as the maximization of efficiency as a value. In reality, this does not mean the greatest benefit for the cost, but the greatest measurable benefit for the measurable cost. For people who are just starting with the process of self-assessment to be productive, wanting something should never be enough. This is because wanting to learn the concept of productivity alone would not fuel your drive to aim for greater things or heights. If you really want to use self-assessment for you excel and be productive, don t be contented with what you have right now. If you want to get started in increasing your productivity, you should: - always have a dream and hold on to it. Since productivity is a not an easy task to start with, it would be best if they start now by having a dream that they could hold on to. The scale or the size of that dream doesn t matter, it can be a big thing or a small thing, what's important is the person is willing to do everything to achieve that dream. After some time, many great methods were tried, tested, and were proven effective and are now in use by many companies. They come in many different configurations but are basically the same strategies. One of the best methods used was to measure, analyze and then to set improvement goals. Afterwards, a workable productivity improvement plan was designed and was worked on to near-ideal finish. You would eventually observe that you are becoming highly organized because your thoughts and ideals are more targeted to the attainment of goals, which you yourself or your boss may have set. By having a personal mission statement, you would notice that your own actions and mindset are regulated to take the direction that would lead to productivity and success. Getting your table clean is one gauge you are productive. Try to finish all the papers-to-do. Set aside or put out all unnecessary things like photo frames, figurines, books, or small ornaments. Such things could only accumulate clutter, which in turn could hamper your free and fast movement in your own work place.
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