The trampled soil is able to hold less oxygen and neither the water nor the nutrients are able to seep deep inside the earth to the plants roots that results in slower plant growth marring the look of your lawn. Lawn aeration can be done using mechanical lawn aerators, the device having a drum like structure with spoons or tines attached at its base to remove soil cores. Fertilizers for lawns has multiple benefits like promoting the growth of new leaves and the plant roots, they help in controlling and reducing the lawn weeds , in replenishing the soil with the lost nutrients and last but not the least fertilizers help in pest control. There are two different types of fertilizers for lawns available in the market: Liquid based fertilizers: These fertilizers are easy to use and have a faster effect as the soil rapidly absorbs them. And they may grow on the nutrition and food off your important plants and may hamper their growth. It is very important to protect your plants and garden from weeds. Weeds grow at a much higher speed than the normal plants growing in your garden. Weed control is also known as pest control in which weeds are prevented to reach a mature stage when they can harm the livestock and plants. Potash helps to strength lawn grass. Strong roots and healthy grass is the key to a great ground cover. You should consider doing a soil test on your soil before you choose a fertilizer for new lawns. Having a soil test can truly save you money in the long run. Who wants to purchase fertilizer if it is not needed? You can use a wheelbarrow for many different things around your house. You can move dirt in it, haul wood, plants, or bags of fertilizer in it -- as well as take your children for a ride around the yard! Lastly, while this is optional, you may want to invest in a tank sprayer. It is a good investment when you are purchasing new lawn garden products. We will guide you through the three different options you have so you can choose which growing method is right for you. How to Plant a New Lawn - Seed Information Of all three methods, sowing grass seed is the least expensive way you can get a new lawn. The best time to sow seed is in the later part of the summer and into the early fall.
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