In domestic gardens there are different methods like covering the area of the garden with many layers of newspaper for several weeks in order to control the amount of weeds. Also, you can use a black sheet instead of newspaper. You keep a newspaper for seven days, it prevents the light of the sun from entering beneath and hence kills the unwanted plants. This is known as a spreader and is basically a tub, which is pushed all over the lawn, spreading the fertilizer or the weed killer evenly over the surface of the grass. The spreaders last a pretty long time, and if you want to add seeds to some areas of on your own, you can buy a spreader which has a rotating handle and can be held in the hand. After taking out soil cores use manure and fertilizers on the lawn surface which will replenish the soil. The best time to carry out lawn aeration in the places experiencing warm climate is in the months of June and July whereas places near the east coast should use land aerators in months of August and September to promote good garden growth Lawn aeration helps in increasing microbial activity in soil that helps in thatch decomposition. There are two different types of fertilizers for lawns available in the market: Liquid based fertilizers: These fertilizers are easy to use and have a faster effect as the soil rapidly absorbs them. All you need to do is to mix liquid fertilizers with water and sprinkle it over the plants. Liquid fertilizers should be used bi weekly or once every 21 days for greater impact. Whatever the reason you may have for starting a new lawn, we are sure that you want to take all the necessary steps to make sure your work is productive. Do you want to know what the most important thing is when it comes to starting a new lawn? It is soil preparation. If you have soil that is good condition, your lawn will be easier to keep up in the future and it will cost you a lot less money in the long run. If you water often but not deep, the bottom soil will not stay moist. Be mindful of any leaks you may have in your watering system. This is a good practice, especially if you are under water restrictions in your area. Slow leaks can amount up to hundreds or thousands of gallons of lost water every month.
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